#US funding

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3 months ago
Europe news

Russia preparing for wider conflict with NATO, says report

European allies increasing support for Ukraine amid US funding uncertainty
Russia preparing for a potential conflict with NATO by enhancing conventional capabilities [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine war briefing: Biden scrapes together $300m more for Ukraine weapons

The Pentagon will send $300m in weapons to Ukraine, using cost savings in contracts. House Democrats seek aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan amid stalled US funding efforts. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

What Needs to Be Done to Get Russia and Ukraine to the Negotiating Table?

The need for U.S. funding to end the war in Ukraine is debated between peace activist Medea Benjamin and professor Stephen Crowley.
European leaders discuss sending more arms to Ukraine, potentially escalating the conflict. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine struggling to maximize every shell as ammunition ration continues

Ukraine is rationing ammunition as its supplies run dangerously low in the face of Russian invasion.
Ukraine is targeting Russian supply lines, fuel depots, and airbases in order to starve out invading troops and stop relentless attacks. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
Europe news

No clear vision of victory clouds in U.S. debate on Ukraine

The Biden administration is emphasizing the importance of sustained funding for Ukraine to counter Russian aggression.
There is debate within the administration and among Republicans about the best approach to supporting Ukraine. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia preparing for wider conflict with NATO, says report

European allies increasing support for Ukraine amid US funding uncertainty
Russia preparing for a potential conflict with NATO by enhancing conventional capabilities [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine war briefing: Biden scrapes together $300m more for Ukraine weapons

The Pentagon will send $300m in weapons to Ukraine, using cost savings in contracts. House Democrats seek aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan amid stalled US funding efforts. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

What Needs to Be Done to Get Russia and Ukraine to the Negotiating Table?

The need for U.S. funding to end the war in Ukraine is debated between peace activist Medea Benjamin and professor Stephen Crowley.
European leaders discuss sending more arms to Ukraine, potentially escalating the conflict. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine struggling to maximize every shell as ammunition ration continues

Ukraine is rationing ammunition as its supplies run dangerously low in the face of Russian invasion.
Ukraine is targeting Russian supply lines, fuel depots, and airbases in order to starve out invading troops and stop relentless attacks. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
Europe news

No clear vision of victory clouds in U.S. debate on Ukraine

The Biden administration is emphasizing the importance of sustained funding for Ukraine to counter Russian aggression.
There is debate within the administration and among Republicans about the best approach to supporting Ukraine. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago
Europe news

US set to cut off military aid which will 'kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield'

The US is planning to cut off funding for Ukraine by the end of the year, which will hinder Ukraine's ability to procure weapons and equipment.
The White House budget chief Shalanda Young warns that without congressional action, Ukraine will run out of resources and be at a disadvantage in the war against Russian forces. [ more ]
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